A revolutionary stretching and strengthening technique
for the spine and joints of the body

ELDOA is a revolutionary stretching and strengthening technique for the spine and joints of the body. These exercises create space between every level of your spine, your hips and shoulders, to alleviate back pain and improve your overall posture.

Created by world-renowned Osteopath, Guy VOYER DO the ELDOAs were created to target every level of your spine to create space and normalise the tension around each vertebra. The result is postural normalisation and a renewed strength and balance throughout your body. ELDOA is a French acronym and stands Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Ostéo Articulaire which means Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretching.

This is a technique that strengthens your spine, reduces joint inflammation, increases bloodflow, delays disc degeneration, improves your posture and tones muscles. By learning the practice of ELDOA you can prevent and address; chronic and acute back and joint pain, sciatica, neck and shoulder tension, stress. abdominal discomfort and slow digestion (which can contribute to many other issues and disorders) and it can support performance and recovery time for sports.

In 2022, I am fortunate to have trained with Guy VOYER DO himself and am a certified Level 4 ELDOA practitioner (there are only 6 levels).
That is how much I believe in this practice - it really does offer some remarkable benefits

ELDOA connects your body, mind and spirit through a series of techniques designed to have a calming effect on the nervous system.

When we stretch the fascia that surrounds all the muscles, organs and nerves in our body restrictions are freed and a calm, balanced feeling takes over. You feel revitalised with more energy, and your body feels aligned with a cleansing feeling in your deep body tissue.

You will find that this profound experience is a way of life – and not just an exercise method. Perhaps you'll see it as meditation for your spine (especially if you can't sit still). Within the action of an ELDOA you will find stillness - it's profound and gets into every fibre in your body.

As you age, gravity pulls you down and forward if our spinal structure is not aligned. ELDOA keeps you aligned and healthy at any age and beat the spell of gravity.

It’s all about joint ‘de-coaptation’ – the ungluing of a compressed joint, which means less pressure on the joints of your spine and pelvis. The result is back pain relief, a re-hydration of spinal discs, a decrease of arthritic and neurological conditions, an increase in well-being and a self-induced calmness of the mind and body.

If you want to avoid surgery, ELDOAs are one of the BEST tools to have.